School Uniforms: a Very Bad Idea

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School uniforms are a bad idea. Here is why.

For one, they interfere with free speech. The supreme court has ruled that students still have constitutional rights in school. Clothes are one of the few opportunities students have to express themselves in school without causing disruption. Some examples of this kind of expression include wearing a religious T-shirt or a campaign button

School uniforms also increase sexual harassment. One out of three girls in the UK have been sexually harassed while wearing their school uniform. Some of the girls who reported being harassed were as young as 8 years old. One quarter reported being filmed without permission.

Many proponents of school uniforms say they decrease bullying. However, this is not true. A study by the Texas Southern University found that school discipline incidents increased by 12% after the introduction of uniforms. When school uniforms were introduced in Miami, fights between students nearly doubled.

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